How to tell the difference between Helvetica and Arial

I like to think that I love good design. Part of that, over the years has evolved into a fair bit of font snobbery. I may have even blogged about fonts before. So, when I saw this comic today, I had to pipe up about a battle Melissa and I have been having. I am totally unabashed in my love of Helvetica. I use it in design, on the blog, and even have watched entire movies dedicated to the typeface.

Melissa, (whom I would also call a font snob) doesn’t like it much because she said, and I quote, “It just looks like the default Excel font.”  (Arial) I mentioned that I liked it still, told her that Arial was a ripoff, and Helvetica had been around for a long time. I followed that up with how I couldn’t tell the difference, but great designers use Helvetica, and accountants use Ariel, because they don’t know the difference.

Well, this has caused a bit of a debate, so I want to pose a few tidbits of information about how to tell the difference. BC, everyone needs to know.

From Wikipedia:

Generic versions of Helvetica have been made by various vendors, including Monotype Imaging (CG Triumvirate), ParaType (Pragmatica), Bitstream (Swiss 721).

Monotype‘s Arial, designed in 1982, while different from Helvetica in some few details, has identical character widths, and is indistinguishable by most non-specialists. The capital letters C, G, and R, as well as the lowercase letters a, e, r, and t, are useful for quickly distinguishing Arial and Helvetica. Differences include:

  • Helvetica’s strokes are typically cut either horizontally or vertically. This is especially visible in the t, r, and C. Arial employs slanted stroke cuts.
  • Helvetica’s G has a well-defined spur; Arial does not.
  • The tails of the R glyphs and the a glyphs are different.

Nimbus Sans, another similar font family that incorporates fonts designed in 1940 (Nimbus Sans bold condensed, Nimbus Sans bold condensed (D)) and 1946 (Nimbus Sans Black Condensed, Nimbus Sans Black Condensed (D)), is produced by URW. Nimbus Sans L fonts were released under the GNU General Public License.

“Helv”, later known as “MS Sans Serif“, is a sans-serif typeface that shares many key characteristics to Helvetica, including the horizontally and vertically aligned stroke terminators and more uniformed stroke widths within a glyph.

When you get to know this font, you really start to see it everywhere. Snowbird, the bank down the street, American Airlines, NASA, and many others.

What are some of your favorites?

April WordPress Meetup

Wanted to invite everyone back down to my house for another WordPress Meetup this week. We had a great turnout last time, and though my basement might be busting at the seams, we will do it there again.


When: Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 7:00 pm – whenever
Where: My house, 549 W. Goldenrod Way Saratoga Springs

Topics: Like last time, anything that you want to talk about. I just got a new TV that we can hook up laptops too, so bring your lappy, and examples of what you are working on.

Below are a some of the people that came last time, I hope that you all come again, and bring some friends too!

Feel free to bring a snack to share, I am thinking about looking for some exotic beverages… If you want to RSVP, just leave a comment letting me know you are coming. Then I can know how many chairs to steal from the church… Spread the word!

PhotoCamp Utah WrapUp

I have to give a major digital pat on the back to all of those great people that put on PhotoCamp Utah this last weekend. The event was huge, exceeding my expectations with membership, the quality and caliber of speakers, and the interaction with fellow photographers. Well done all.

With that great event, I had the great pleasure of sharing some thoughts in a presentation that I called PhotoBlogging with WordPress. From the course description:

Do you take awesome pictures and want to show the whole world? Learn more about how to showcase your photos with using blogging software by WordPress.

This will showcase tips for anyone from beginner to advanced. No need to understand photography, just a basic knowledge of web tools. General overview of topic will be presented, with a few ‘hands on’ examples.

With this topic of blogging, I was a little nervous that: 1. a lot of people might be blogging, but not using a hosted version of WordPress making themes and plugins difficult. 2. Might be using other software like TypePad/Blogger/Tumblr.

So, with that being said, at 9:30 Friday night I started to build a new site that would remedy both of those problems. I built a custom tailored WordPressMU/BuddyPress/bbPress site that had themes and plugins that would appeal to a photographers that were looking to get into blogging.

So, here I am announcing If you have wanted to get a rich, photoblog, and wanted to tie into a network of other photographers, now you can. There is a rich gallery of themes, some premium photo themes, and plugins to improve the experience. If you have  a theme or a plugin that you would like to see added, let me know and I will toss it in the pot.

If you are interested in WordPress development, integration, or have other questions, feel free to contact me through the comments here, email (whyisjake {at} gmail dot com) or through Twitter.

Once again, thanks to all of the conference organizers, volunteers and sponsors for making this a great event.

Utah WordPress Meetup

WordPress Logo A few weeks ago at the January Geek/Blogger dinner Thom Allen, Joseph Scott, Spencer King and I were all talking about how cool it would be if there was a time when WordPress developers/users/designers could get together and hash out whatever they were working on with the collective body of users. So, in the community nature of WordPress, I decided to put something together for next week. If you are new to WordPress, a seasoned vet, or somewhere in between, you would likely get something out of this meeting. If anything, come for the snacks. I am going to commit my wife to making some delicious bananna bread. (Will you honey?)


Location: Casa de Spurlock (My House)

Time: Wednesday, 18th of March 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Topics: Anything that you want to talk about. I just got a new TV that we can hook up laptops too, so bring your lappy, and examples of what you are working on. If we do have a good response, I will see about moving to a larger location, but we should be ok… (I know, famous last words…)

Event Registration on

Twitter hash tag: #utwordpress

WordCamp Denver Wrap

Just a quick post to say what a great time I had out at WordCamp Denver. The Crowd Favorite Guys put on a great party, and I was glad that I got the chance to present. For those that don’t know, I presented on BuddyPress, an up and coming open source framework for developing social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace. BuddyPress is what we use to power Petomundo!, the social site that I am developing. If you are interested in learning more about BuddyPress, feel free to contact me, or jump into the forums.

Another link to a kid that is doing a lot of good with BuddyPress, Nicola Greco is a 15 year old kid in Italy that is doing a lot of BuddyPress plugin development in Italy. Thanks for all the hard work over there.

Rushton Ray Spurlock

I am proud and happy to announce Rushton Ray Spurlock.
Quick Stats, 7 lbs, 3 ozs. 19 inches long.

Getting weighed for the first time.
Getting weighed for the first time.

First diaper
First diaper

Melissa and Rush
Melissa and Rush

Time to check vitals
Time to check vitals

Blood pressure cuff, it was tiny...
Blood pressure cuff, it was tiny...

Little feet
Little feet

After being taking a while to come out, he had a giant bruise on his head.
After being taking a while to come out, he had a giant bruise on his head.

Dad and baby
Dad and baby

First bath
First bath

Drying off
Drying off

Looking good
Looking good

Baby, Dad, Grandma, and Great Grandpa - Four Generations
Baby, Dad, Grandma, and Great Grandpa - Four Generations

The Gadget Tribes of Technology

I think that I fit pretty easily into the blogger category, but iFan isn’t far off. I really need a NetBook….

Via Boing Boing Gadgets:

Technology was once about big things, but smallness rules the day: we are the gear that gets us through it. Augmented and assisted by the gizmos we buy, break and make, we’re taking tech culture out of the tubes. How to spot a species? Look inside the gadget bag!

Claim solidarity with your stereotype in the comments and send us evidence of any undiscovered tribes (email: rob o’ we’ll be sure to forward it on to the Internet Anthropogogical Society for near-immediate updates.

Blogger Images

Game Spore

via The gadget tribes of technology – Boing Boing Gadgets .