Rushton Ray Spurlock

I am proud and happy to announce Rushton Ray Spurlock.
Quick Stats, 7 lbs, 3 ozs. 19 inches long.

Getting weighed for the first time.
Getting weighed for the first time.
First diaper
First diaper
Melissa and Rush
Melissa and Rush
Time to check vitals
Time to check vitals
Blood pressure cuff, it was tiny...
Blood pressure cuff, it was tiny...
Little feet
Little feet
After being taking a while to come out, he had a giant bruise on his head.
After being taking a while to come out, he had a giant bruise on his head.
Dad and baby
Dad and baby
First bath
First bath
Drying off
Drying off
Looking good
Looking good
Baby, Dad, Grandma, and Great Grandpa - Four Generations
Baby, Dad, Grandma, and Great Grandpa - Four Generations


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