Phlogging Day 11: Park City

Well, Ty and I headed up to PC today to get some pics. We came away with some cool ones as we scurried about the mountain. The highlight of the day was when we came around the side of the hill into the top of Jupiter Lift at PCMR. Awesome. 

McPolin Farm
McPolin Farm

More photos after the break.

Continue reading “Phlogging Day 11: Park City”

Phlogging Day 8: Self Portrait

I have a confession, today was a lousy day to take pictures. Let me recap:

8:00 AM While passing cows, with fog coming off the ground, and the rising sun, I decided to take a bunch of pictures that could easily pass for an Ansel Adams knockoff. Instead, they just turned out like garbage. 

9:00 AM Got to Dr. Silcox’s office, began installation of a bunch of new hardware in my mouth. 

10:30 AM Left the office, in pain. 

11:30 AM Met Tom, towed the car home. (Alternator went out last night.)

12:00 PM Lunch, very confident about morning pictures. Can’t wait to get in front of the computer for awesome phlogging goodness. 

1:30 PM Down at the Stanley’s now, working. 

3:30 PM At Home Depot, poof, $80.00 gone.

4:00 PM At Sport Clips, where have you been all of my life? It is like a Man Spa. For $15 bucks, I got a haircut, shampoo, steamed towel on my face for five minutes, then a back massage. All of this while being surrounded by ESPN on at least 15 televisions. Wow, awesome.

5:00 PM Home now. Warm breadsticks from Little Ceasers. Yum.

5:20 PM Time to fix the car. 

5:40 PM Alternator is out, ready to roll down to Lehi to get the new one.

6:30 PM Back with the new one, putting it in. 

6:45 PM Broke the last piece, now in a panic. Spent more money then I would care to admit, and now I might have to buy it again. 

7:00 PM At the Checkers in Saratoga Springs, they are willing to trade the part in on warrenty. 

7:02 PM Called the Lehi store, (where I got the part) headed there to pull the broke part off of the one that I turned in.

7:13 PM Got the new part, headed home.

7:45 PM New part in, test drive taken, all is well. How awesome is that.

8:27 PM Sit down to watch the debate, and start phlogging post-processing. 

8:44 PM Ticked at the caliber of the pictures, maybe some pictures of the moon?

9:02 PM Done cursing the moon. How do people do that?

9:30 PM Played with a goofy picture of myself that I took earlier. Guess it will have to do.

9:58 PM Posting Phlogging Day 8, commited to do better tomorrow.

Some of the field pictures can be found here, here, and here.

Phlogging Day 5 Cont: Chicken Salad…

I can’t just let Melissa make something as tasty and as good looking as chicken salad and then not take a picture of it. What this phlogging exercise is really making me aware of is that I 1. eat a lot (good food mostly) and 2. it is likely eating out. We have been using to get some insight into our finances, and what we have instantly seen is that WE EAT OUT WAY TO MUCH. So, it is nice when we can eat at home, something tasty.

Wing Coop, Day 4: Phlogging

I was a little worried about getting these posted. Josh, Ben, and Nick came down and helped me work on the basement today. We stayed up pretty late, hence the late post. I hope the neighbors don’t hate us…

We had some lunch at the Wing Coop today, it was awesome. And, as is slowly becoming a trend, here is some food pictures.

Couple pics in black and white, Ben and Melissa.

I go on and on about how much I like shooting with my 50mm f1.8. It is a great little lens, and takes great pics. My dad doesn’t think it makes a difference, you tell me.

Prairie Home Companion, Day Three: Phlogging

Day three… Nick has jumped on the ball, and we have a ton of pics planned for this weekend as we brave the great white Wyoming. Zack mentioned that he had snow at his dorm… I don’t know if Melissa is ready for that. Today I decided to go for the landscape shots of some of the farms by our house. I ended up pulling into the undeveloped retail area down the road from our house on the way to the movies. This is the result.

Melissa didn’t really like this picture, saying that it was difficult to find a focal point. What do you think? Make sure to look at it big…

Geek Lunch, Day Two: Phlogging

Kendall reminded me about a geek lunch that was up at Happy Sumo today so, not being able to turn down another meal of sushi (third time in a week), I headed to Gateway. 

I am totally addicted to this stuff, our freezer is full of it.

Any ideas what this is? Lemme know in the comments. First person to answer correctly gets the special validation of knowing they were right on the internet. And what could be better then that.

Someday, I want to takes pictures of doors and wall and make them look really cool like Jon Canlas. Right now, this will have to suffice.


This last few weeks I have been working on getting Nick blogging so I challenged him to a two-week-everyday-post-a-new-picture-maybe-write-something-clever-phlogging-event. So, to start it off, here is my first entry. He wanted to start today, so I didn’t have much time to get some pictures taken before the sun went down. Here are some pictures that I took around the house today.