Melissa Has Been Busy…

From her blog

I thought I should just mention that this has been a BIG week for me – Monday I went grocery shopping for the first time in a LONG time (2 hours and $200 later… yipee); yesterday I cleaned the kitchen, made dinner, baked 5 batches of cookies, AND folded 2 large loads of laundry; and today I blogged.  Watch out, productive world out there, here I come!

You go girl.


Started off the ski season painfully well yesterday at Snowbird. This is a post I did for the SkiUtah blog, but thought that I would share here.

Well, another notch on the ski pole, Snowbird day 2 in the books. Started out the day on the tram, posting a few pics from my cell phone. After breaking in my legs to idea of skiing, (Sure, I could have done some pre-season training, but I thought that sitting at my computer trying to become the greatest blogger of all time took precedence), loosening up the boots a little, I settled into a bluebird day of skiing. I took my camera around and took some pictures of the day. Hope you like.

Snowbird Lift Line
Snowbird Lift Line
Smiles were found all around.
Smiles were found all around.
Sun, and some trees.
Sun, and some trees.
Happy Snowboarders
Happy Snowboarders
Creekside Grill
Creekside Grill
Getting Some Sun
Getting Some Sun
Mr. Cool.
Mr. Cool.
I am having a baby in a few months... Thought this was funny.
I am having a baby in a few months... Thought this was funny.


There is an old saying: There are two types of people, those that don't know the difference between Ariel and Helvetica, and those that despise Ariel. Love the Snowbird typography...
There is an old saying: There are two types of people, those that don't know the difference between Ariel and Helvetica, and those that despise Ariel. I love the Helvetica typography all over Snowbird.

Snowbird Employee

Snowbird Day 2:Recap

Well, another notch on the ski pole, Snowbird day 2 in the books. Started out the day on the tram, posting a few pics from my cell phone. After breaking in my legs to idea of skiing, (Sure, I could have done some pre-season training, but I thought that sitting at my computer trying to become the greatest blogger of all time took precedence), loosening up the boots a little, I settled into a bluebird day of skiing. I took my camera around and took some pictures of the day. Hope you like.

Snowbird Lift Line

Snowbird Lift Line

Smiles were found all around.

Smiles were found all around.

Sun, and some trees.

Sun, and some trees.

Happy Snowboarders

Happy Snowboarders

Creekside Grill

Creekside Grill

Getting Some Sun

Getting Some Sun

Mr. Cool.

Mr. Cool.

I am having a baby in a few months... Thought this was funny.

I am having a baby in a few months… Thought this was funny.


There is an old saying: There are two types of people, those that don't know the difference between Ariel and Helvetica, and those that despise Ariel. Love the Snowbird typography...

There is an old saying: There are two types of people, those that don’t know the difference between Ariel and Helvetica, and those that despise Ariel. Love the Snowbird typography…

Snowbird Employee

Snowbird Employee

Brighton Opens Wednesday, Nov 12th

With a headline, what else do you need to know? 

Well, I guess there are few more things that could be said. Brighton is reporting that they have received over 33″ of the fluff over the last few days, saying that with the projected storms over the weekend, that it bodes that they may even open earlier. All is good for us, the powder starved. 

For more information, check out

See you next week at Mt. Millie.

Fallen Soldier

One of my favorite authors of all time passed on this week. Mr. Michael Crichton. When I was a wee young lad, I could often be found with my nose in a book. I read the classics, I read fiction, everything was great. It was 1991, When I was only 8 years old that I picked up my first Crichton book. Jurassic Park was coming to the big screen, and I wanted to be sure to read the book before the movie came out. I was astonished when I checked it out from the library, weighing in at over 400 pages. Certainly the largest book I had ever read.

But I read.

Cover to cover. The book was thick, but I was sucked in. Words that I had never read about biology, DNA, and dinosaurs. The story was thick, matched only by the science. I was hooked. I loved the movie, but was disappointed by what they had left out.

This book started a love for science-fiction. I read every MC book I could get my hands on. Congo, The Andromeda Strain, Sphere, The Lost World, Airframe, and Rising Sun. I was addicted to it all. It lead me to other books and authors, Tom Clancy, and Stephen King.

I do have one confession to make. While I was serving an LDS mission in Newark Delaware, I was in someones home that we were teaching and I saw the book Prey on her bookshelf and inquired about it. She said that it was a new one, and offered it to me to read. I told her how we don’t read other books and blah, blah, blah. She new that I was going to be going home in a few weeks and said that I should read it when I got home. I obliged, and accepted her gift.

It sat on my desk for a few days, I read the back cover, the flaps, and tried to avoid the premise of the biocyber thriller. It wasn’t long before I had some free time and I was neck deep into the book. At about 3:00 in the morning, I put it down, having blown through every page. I loved the book, one of the best things that I had ever read.

So here it is that he has left us now. His legacy is intact, he gave us deep resonating stories about science and technology. Stories that inspire us all.