Teller Reveals His Secrets

I am totally fascinated by Penn and Teller. Love this take on the rules of magic.

I’m all for helping science. But after I share what I know, my neuroscientist friends thank me by showing me eye-tracking and MRI equipment, and promising that someday such machinery will help make me a better magician.


I have my doubts. Neuroscientists are novices at deception. Magicians have done controlled testing in human perception for thousands of years.

via Teller Reveals His Secrets | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine.

Use wp_trim_words to limit words in WordPress

Using wp_trim_words allows us to limit the title and excerpt, and anything else really, to a particular number of words. How practical a name. You can define the number of words to limit them to, and also define what you’d like the “more” text to be.

via Use wp_trim_words to limit words in WordPress.

Puzzle is finished, all 500 pieces. I’d love to take credit for it, but Melissa went a little OCD on it. I put the kids to bed… :)

Puzzle is finished, all 500 pieces. I'd love to take credit for it, but Melissa went a little OCD on it. I put the kids to bed... :)

Puzzle is finished, all 500 pieces. I’d love to take credit for it, but Melissa went a little OCD on it. I put the kids to bed… 🙂

Harley-Davidson, A Marriage of Function and Dramatic Visuals

Harley-Davidson motorcycles are a work of art as much as they are functional machines. From the stitching and paint to the beautification of the radiator and flow lines, these motorcycles truly stand out from the competition. With a century of design experience, Harley-Davidson crafts masterpieces and, fortunately for the enthusiast, the structural integrity of the motorcycles is emphasized as much as the creative elements. As Mr. Davidson says, “Form follows function but they both report to emotion…we marry function and dramatic visuals.”

via Harley-Davidson, A Marriage of Function and Dramatic Visuals | Creative Hub.