Cameron Moll Colosseo iPad Martian Giveaway

Well, now that I have your attention… 😉

Just wanted to let you all know about the Cameron Moll Colosseo iPad Martian Giveaway.

Salt Lake Temple - In TypeCameron Moll is one of my favorite designers, creating the prominent typeset edition of LDS Temple that I am proud to hang in my home. In addition to hanging this in my home, it has also made the rounds at Stevens-Henager college to all of my classes, all the while sharing the video of the creation at the same time. (embedded below)

I first met Cameron two years ago at a dinner for speakers and sponsors of the WordCamp Utah. I had been following the blog for a while and new some of the names of the authors. After doing a little bit of digging around, I stumbled on to Cameron’s site, Authentic Boredom and became an active reader. It was exciting to get the chance to have dinner with him that night.

I didn’t think that our paths would cross again, but I was excited to see that he needed some help done a WordPress site last October. I jumped at the chance to help. I was chosen, and as a result, I can claim that I did the WordPress theme for It was a fun project, one of the coolest designs that I have ever done.

So, now that the pitch is over, I wanted to mention This is the new letterpress poster of the Roman Coliseum. It was modeled from a photograph that was taken while on a trip there with his wife. I don’t own this yet, bet already have a spot reserved above my desk for it.

On a slightly nerdy note, I love the design of It is built using HTML5 and some kewl things using CSS3.

Love it…

So, if you looking for a smashing gift that will really leave an impression, check out Cameron’s fantastic letterpress posters. You will be amazed at the craftsmanship.


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