
Skull WordPress Theme

So, in the last few weeks, I have been doing a lot of WordPress theme development. When I see something cool on the web, I want to implement it a new a cool way. Skulls is basically the end result of some tinkering on the web. Here are some of the methods that I used in this theme.

1. Font Replacement

I read a great article on called Exploring Cufón, a sIFR alternative for font embedding. Cufón is this rad javascript library that will exchange text with a font resides on your server. A friend of mine, Tyrel Kelsey showed me an example on a site that he designed using the script, and from there, I was set. Immediately, I  knew that I wanted to create a grungy WordPress theme that I could use this on.

2. Fixed Footer

Nothing terribly revolutionary, but after staring at Facebook everyday, I wanted to put a persistent footer, that would have a couple of quick links in it. To create a fixed footer, simple add the following code to your div.

Make sure to add some bottom-margin to whatever div is going to be above it. You want to make sure you do that, so when you scroll to the bottom, you can see all of your content.

#footer {
There are a couple of issues that in IE6 (Go figure…) But they can be resolved by adding this:
[css]* html #footer {
top:expression(eval(document.compatMode && document.compatMode==’CSS1Compat’) ? documentElement.scrollTop +(documentElement.clientHeight-this.clientHeight) : document.body.scrollTop +(document.body.clientHeight-this.clientHeight));


I mentioned already the font replacement. I found some cool vector packs that had some skull designs in them. The post headers have a banner that overlays the other divs due to some negative margins. One thing to be aware of, if you follow a similar design, is to make sure that links have the coverage that they might need. I had them squeezed a lot tighter, but it was hard to click on the post links.

So, all in all, I think that it turned out to be a pretty cool theme. Not for everyone, but I think that someone will get a kick out of it.



Utah WordPress Meetup

WordPress Logo A few weeks ago at the January Geek/Blogger dinner Thom Allen, Joseph Scott, Spencer King and I were all talking about how cool it would be if there was a time when WordPress developers/users/designers could get together and hash out whatever they were working on with the collective body of users. So, in the community nature of WordPress, I decided to put something together for next week. If you are new to WordPress, a seasoned vet, or somewhere in between, you would likely get something out of this meeting. If anything, come for the snacks. I am going to commit my wife to making some delicious bananna bread. (Will you honey?)


Location: Casa de Spurlock (My House)

Time: Wednesday, 18th of March 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Topics: Anything that you want to talk about. I just got a new TV that we can hook up laptops too, so bring your lappy, and examples of what you are working on. If we do have a good response, I will see about moving to a larger location, but we should be ok… (I know, famous last words…)

Event Registration on

Twitter hash tag: #utwordpress

WordCamp Denver Wrap

Just a quick post to say what a great time I had out at WordCamp Denver. The Crowd Favorite Guys put on a great party, and I was glad that I got the chance to present. For those that don’t know, I presented on BuddyPress, an up and coming open source framework for developing social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace. BuddyPress is what we use to power Petomundo!, the social site that I am developing. If you are interested in learning more about BuddyPress, feel free to contact me, or jump into the forums.

Another link to a kid that is doing a lot of good with BuddyPress, Nicola Greco is a 15 year old kid in Italy that is doing a lot of BuddyPress plugin development in Italy. Thanks for all the hard work over there.